

prato econômico

1/2 Filé à parmegiana servido com arroz, feijão e acompanhamentos ou espaguete ao alho e óleo.

R$ 27,90

Executivos de Carne

Bife de alcatra acebolado servido com arroz, feijão e acompanhamentos ou espaguete ao alho e óleo.

R$ 47,90

Executivos de frango

Filé de frango acebolado servido com arroz, feijão e acompanhamento ou espaguete ao alho e óleo.

R$ 42,90

Executivos de picanha

Picanha com farofa de ovos, arroz, fritas e molho à campanha ou espaguete ao alho e óleo.

R$ 66,90




R$ 37,90

R$ 32,90

Terças: Mineirinho ou Strogonoff

R$ 41,90

Quartas: Rabada ou Sobrecoxa ensopada com quiabo

R$ 41,90

Quintas: Dobradinha ou Carne Seca com Abóbora ou Panqueca de Carne

R$ 41,90

Sextas: Peixe à Dorê ou Sobrecoxa assada com salada de maionese de batata

R$ 41,90

Sábados: Feijoada (1 pessoa)

R$ 61,00

Sábados: Feijoada (2 pessoas)

R$ 106,00

Domingos: Rabada (2 pessoas)

R$ 41,90


Novo Normal

bife ancho

Bife em torno de 500g, acompanhado de arroz branco, farofa de ovos ou banana, fritas e molho à campanha.

R$ 149,90
(2 pessoas)

Churrasco misto

Picanha, Frango e Linguiça, bacon, cebola e pimentão – Servido com arroz branco, farofa de ovos, fritas e molho à campanha.

R$ 159,90
(2 pessoas)

Tradicional picanha chopperia nº1

Picanha fatiada acompanhada de arroz branco, farofa de ovos, batata frita e molho à campanha.

R$ 119,94
(1 pessoa)

R$ 199,90
(2 pessoas)

picanha com farofa de ovos e piamontese

Picanha fatiada acompanhada de arroz à piamontese, farofa de ovos, batata frita e molho à campanha.

R$ 118,14
(1 pessoa)

R$ 186,90
(2 pessoas)

Frango à Leonese ou Sevi

Filé de frango suculento, com arroz à piamontese ou à grega e

R$ 47,34
(1 pessoa)

R$ 78,90
(2 pessoas)


Filé de frango aberto.

R$ 17,94
(1 pessoa)

R$ 29,90
(2 pessoas)

Salada nº1

Alface, rúcula, queijo de cabra, ervilhas, nozes, damasco e molho de queijo.

R$ 37,90


6 unidades de camarão, queijo ou carne.

R$ 39,90

Cubinhos Bom Bom

Cubos de alcatra ao molho madeira e
mozarela derretida.

R$ 74,90

casquinha de siri

Casquinhas de Siri.

R$ 35,00

Bolinhos de Feijoada

4 unidades feitos da melhor
feijoada da Barra.

R$ 38,90

Bolinhos de BACALHAU

6 unidades.

R$ 41,90

Tiras de Frango

Tiras de filé de frango temperadas e

R$ 43,90


Barriga de porco.

R$ 28,00

Porco à passarinho

Pedacinhos crocantes de Porco com Pimenta Biquinho e Limão.

R$ 47,90

Caldinho de feijão

Caldinho de feijão com cebolinha e torresmo.

R$ 19,90

Batata Frita

Porção de batata frita.

R$ 28,90

Purê de Batata

Porção do melhor purê de batata da Barra.

R$ 28,90

Porção de Arroz Branco

Porção bem servida de arroz branco.

R$ 19,90

Porção de Arroz à Piamontese ou à Grega

Porção bem servida de arroz à piamontese ou à grega.

R$ 28,90

Porção de Feijão

Porção do nosso feijão preto especial.

R$ 23,90

Porção de Farofa de Ovos

Porção caprichada da nossa famosa farofa de ovos.

R$ 23,90

Sanduíche de carne ou frango

180g de alcatra ou filé de frango no pão francês com queijo, alface, cebola caramelizada e servido com fritas.

R$ 39,90



Pizza brotinho caprichada de queijo muzarela.

R$ 29,00

Calabresa Acebolada

Pizza brotinho caprichada com calabresa acebolada.

R$ 37,00

Número 1

Pizza brotinho especial com rúcula, tomate cereja confit, azeitona e queijo de cabra.

R$ 39,00

Frango com Catupiry

Pizza brotinho caprichada com frango e catupiry.

R$ 39,00


Pizza brotinho caprichada com queijo muzarela, linguiça calabresa, cebola, tomate, ovo, pimentão e azeitona.

R$ 37,00


Pizza brotinho caprichada de queijo muzarela e tomate.

R$ 34,00


Pudim de Leite Condensado

Receita especial da casa.

R$ 16,90


Chopp Brahma 300ml

R$ 10,90

Chopp Brahma 200ml

R$ 8,90


R$ 21,00


R$ 23,00

Whisky 8 anos

R$ 27,00

Whisky 12 anos

R$ 29,00

Cachaça Mineira

R$ 15,00

Cachaça 51

R$ 5,00

Suco de Laranja

R$ 12,00

Refrigerante lata

R$ 8,90

Cerveja Longneck

R$ 12,00

Mate Leão

R$ 7,50

Água Mineral

R$ 6,90


R$ 15,00

Gin Tônica

R$ 30,00

Café Expresso

R$ 5,20

Clique no número abaixo e Peça agora:

21 2433-1490

Rental Requirements for Cars in Dubai


Rental requirements for cars in Dubai vary between UAE residents and tourists. UAE residents require a UAE driving license, Emirates ID, resident visa, and passport copy. Tourist car renters must present their home country and international driver’s license, visit visa, and passport copy. Renters have the option to rent a car with driver or chauffeur in Dubai for a convenient experience.

UAE residents must have a valid driving license for at least 12 months when renting a car in Dubai. It ensures insurance, legal compliance, and verification of the renter’s identity and residency status. An Emirates ID is required as part of rent a car rules in UAE for residency verification, insurance claims, and financial management. A resident visa is required for extended residency and includes personal data and a copy of the passport. The documents ensure legal and administrative compliance.

A home country driving license is legally required to rent a car Dubai for tourist. It verifies legality, competency, and eligibility, ensuring compliance with local regulations and insurance coverage. An International Driver’s License (IDP) translates a person’s home country’s driving license into multiple languages, allowing safe driving in Dubai. A visit visa is a temporary permit for foreigners, ensuring identity verification and transparency. A copy of the tourist’s passport must be presented for international travel.

What are the Rental Car Requirements for UAE Residents?

The rental car requirements for UEA residents are listed below.

1. UAE Driving License

UAE residents must have a valid driving license for at least 12 months when renting a car in Dubai. It is necessary for insurance, legal compliance, and verification of the renter’s identity and residency status. A UAE driving license confirms that the bearer is eligible and lawfully permitted to operate a vehicle nationwide, increasing traffic safety. Accepting a driving license from the United Arab Emirates simplifies the administrative procedure for rental firms, allowing them to instantly confirm the license’s validity using local databases. A UAE driver’s license helps track down people involved in legal difficulties or disputes and prevent identity fraud.

2. Emirates ID

Residents of the UAE must have an Emirates ID to rent a car because it is an official and trustworthy form of identification. It verifies the person’s identification and residency status, guaranteeing their legality to live and work in the UAE. The Emirates ID aids in residency verification, guards against identity theft, expedites administrative procedures, maintains accountability, and complies with local laws.

Rental companies require the Emirates ID to process insurance claims and manage any financial issues related to the rental agreement. Emirates IDs provide current contact information for rental companies to contact renters about rental contracts, extensions, or other problems that arise during the rental period.

3. Resident VISA

A resident of the UAE who wants to rent a car in Dubai must present a resident visa. The visa is required to identify and prove that the holder has the legal right to reside in the United Arab Emirates for an extended period. A resident visa is acquired through work, business, investment, or family relationships.

Possessing a resident visa certifies that the bearer has fulfilled all residency conditions set forth by the UAE government, including completing the required background checks and medical exams. Personal data, including full name, nationality, and passport details, are included in the resident visa. The information aids rental organizations in confirming the renter’s identification and comparing it to other supporting documents, such as the Emirates ID and driver’s license.

4. Passport Copy

A passport copy for UAE residents is an official document verifying an individual’s identity and nationality. It contains vital information such as the person’s full name, date of birth, passport number, and country of citizenship. The passport serves as supplementary identification, providing a layer of redundancy to cross-verify information and ensure accuracy.

A passport copy ensures legal and administrative compliance, as rental companies must maintain comprehensive records of their clients, including the Emirates ID and Resident Visa. The passport provides travel documentation, such as entry and exit stamps, visa pages, and other relevant travel information for expatriates. It includes emergency contact details, which are helpful for rental companies in emergencies or when contacting a related party.

What are the Rental Car Requirements for Tourists?

The rental car requirements for tourists are listed below.

1. Home Country Driving License

A home country driving license is a document that the government of a person’s home country issues, allowing them to drive a car on public roads. It is a legal requirement in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) for tourists to rent and drive a car in Dubai. The license verifies the driver’s legality, competency, and eligibility, ensuring compliance with local regulations and facilitating insurance coverage. Car rental companies need proof of the driver’s prior driving experience and knowledge of driving laws. Insurance companies require proof of the driver’s legal permission to drive in their home country to offer coverage in Dubai. Regulatory compliance is maintained, reducing the risk of accidents and ensuring accountability. Driving without a valid license leads to legal penalties, such as fines and vehicle impoundment.

2. International Driver’s License

An International Driver’s License (IDP) is a document that translates a person’s home country’s driving license into multiple languages. It allows the person to drive in any country or jurisdiction that recognizes the IDP. The IDP aims to provide a standardized document that translates driving qualifications, making it easier for foreign authorities to verify a driver’s ability to drive outside their home country.

Car rentals in Dubai necessitate an International Driving Permit (IDP) for travelers whose national driving licenses need to be written in Arabic or English. It guarantees that rental companies and local law enforcement recognize the driver’s credentials, enabling safe and lawful driving within the city.

3. Visit VISA

A visit visa is a short-term permit that the immigration authorities of a nation issue to allow a foreign national to enter and stay there for a set amount of time, typically for travel, business, or visiting family and friends. It is a temporary permit and does not allow the holder to work or reside permanently. The purpose of a visit visa is to regulate and control the entry of foreigners into a country, ensure they meet the requirements for a temporary stay and have legitimate reasons for visiting. The visa helps verify the tourist’s identity, align the rental period with the validity of the visitor’s stay, and ensure transparency and accountability.

4. Passport Copy

A passport copy is a photocopy or digital scan of a passport, including personal information and a photograph, serving as a form of identification. Authorities and service providers use it to verify personal information without needing the original passport, particularly in administrative situations like replacements or renewals. A passport copy is required for tourists to rent cars in Dubai. It helps rental companies verify the renter’s identity and establish their legal status in the country.

A passport copy is a reliable proof of identity, confirming the holder’s nationality, which is relevant for visa requirements and legal status. It provides essential travel documentation necessary for international travel and administrative processes, such as the passport number and expiration date.

What Kind of Driver’s License is Valid in Dubai for Tourists?

The kind of driver’s license valid in Dubai for tourists is listed below.

Can Tourists drive in Dubai with a US license?

Yes, tourists can drive in Dubai with a US license. The Dubai Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) acknowledges licenses from several countries, including the US, and allows visitors and residents to drive vehicles in Dubai. The tourist must have an International Driving Permit (IDP) to accompany the US license, translating it into Arabic and other languages, making it easier for local authorities to understand.

Dubai has agreements with several countries, including the US, that permit driving with a national license and an IDP. The policy ensures that driving regulations are met and allows tourists to enjoy driving in Dubai without legal complications.

What Type of Car can be Rent in Dubai?

The type of cars that can be rented in Dubai are listed below.

What are the Age Requirements for Renting a Car in Dubai?

The age requirement for renting a car in Dubai is 21. Dubai car rental companies set age requirements of 21 for risk management, insurance policies, driver experience, legal compliance, financial responsibility, operational efficiency, and cost management. Younger drivers have a higher chance of being involved in accidents than older ones, leading to higher premiums and coverage restrictions. The car rental industry in Dubai is growing due to its popularity among young tourists.

The minimum age requirement for drivers has been debated, leading to confusion among tourists and residents. The legal age limit to drive a car in the UAE is 18, but a person must be 21 to rent a car. Luxury car rentals in Dubai have stricter age requirements than standard cars. The minimum age for renting a luxury car is 25, with some companies requiring renters to be at least 27 or 30 years old for specific high-end models. Higher age requirements are due to luxury cars’ higher value and risk, insurance premiums, coverage limits, driver responsibility and maturity, and financial stability. Renters of luxury vehicles are expected to have the financial capability to cover higher security deposits and future damages.

Are there any Additional Fees for Young Drivers in Dubai?

Yes, there are additional fees for young drivers in Dubai. Dubai car rental companies impose a young driver surcharge for drivers under 25 to cover the extra risk associated with young and inexperienced drivers. The surcharges vary between companies, so asking and comparing prices is essential. The minimum age for renting a car in Dubai is 21, but some companies require a minimum age of 23 or 25.

Policy variations vary between companies, with rental companies offering discounts or waivers for young drivers meeting specific criteria. Booking requirements must be checked to understand any additional fees or requirements.

What are the Steps in Renting a Car?

The steps for renting a car are listed below.

What are the Requirements to Rent a Car with a chauffeur?

The requirements for renting a car with a chauffeur are listed below.

Is Insurance mandatory for Car Rentals in Dubai?

Yes, insurance is mandatory for car rentals in Dubai. Dubai requires car insurance coverage when renting a car. Insurance covers third-party liability, providing financial protection in case of damage or injury. The UAE law mandates that vehicles must be insured against third-party liability, ensuring compensation for victims of accidents. Car rental companies in Dubai enforce the insurance requirement strictly to comply with legal standards and protect themselves and their customers.

The insurance covers damages or injuries to third parties, but it is essential to clarify the extent of coverage and any deductibles or exclusions with the rental company. Third-party liability insurance is the cheapest and mandatory, covering the other car and passengers in an accident. Comprehensive insurance covers the vehicles and passengers in a car accident and other car-related accidents such as theft, fire, and accidental damages.

What are the Fuel policies for Rental Cars in Dubai?

The fuel policies for rental cars in Dubai are listed below.

Are there any mileage restrictions on rental cars in Dubai?

Yes, there are mileage restrictions on rental cars in Dubai. Restrictions are implemented to manage wear and tear, maintenance expenses, depreciation, operational effectiveness, profit margins, and fleet management. Mileage restrictions support the upkeep of a premium vehicle, offer consumers dependable service, guarantee operating effectiveness, maintain vehicle value, and assist in keeping expenditures under control.

Dubai car rental companies set daily or weekly mileage limits, with additional fees for exceeding them. Several companies offer unlimited mileage packages at higher rates, which are beneficial for extensive travel. Understanding the rental agreement and considering travel plans help determine the most cost-effective option.

What is the Restrictions on where Rental Cars can be Driven in Dubai?

The restrictions on where rental cars can be driven in Dubai include crossing borders, off-road driving, and using illegal activities and hazardous materials. Several Dubai car rental companies do not allow vehicles to be driven outside the United Arab Emirates (UAE), including crossing borders into neighboring countries such as Oman. It is due to insurance reasons and the risks of driving in a foreign country. It is best to check with the chosen rental company for the most up-to-date information and specific policies regarding border crossings.

Dubai has strict laws governing off-road and desert driving, ensuring drivers’ safety and conserving the desert environment. Drivers must have a temporary or international driver’s license and a license from their home country to drive in the desert. Safety precautions include exercising caution and not causing accidents. Environmental considerations include not disturbing wildlife, picking up trash, and meeting emission requirements. Unauthorized off-road driving results in fines or other legal consequences. Rental cars in Dubai lack features for off-road conditions, leading to mechanical failures or accidents.

Dubai’s rental car agreements strictly prohibit using vehicles for illegal activities and transporting hazardous materials. Restrictions include engaging in criminal activities, violating local laws, and engaging in traffic violations. Hazardous materials are prohibited due to safety concerns, including fire hazards, environmental contamination, and health risks. Violations result in fines, termination of the rental agreement, and legal consequences.

What are the Accepted Payment Methods for Renting a Car in Dubai?

The accepted payment methods for renting a car in Dubai are listed below.

Can I Rent a Car with a Debit Card in Dubai?

Yes, you can rent a car in Dubai with a debit card. Dubai rental companies accept debit cards issued by Visa and Mastercard as long as the cards work within the country. The payment procedure is similar to that of credit cards. Rental services block the card for a significant amount for security. Debit cards do not have a credit line, which results in limitations and inspection. Read about rent a car dubai at website

Rental businesses prefer credit cards for security deposits and expenses, while other companies accept debit cards with additional requirements. Additional requirements include deposit amount, insurance coverage, verification and documentation, sufficient funds, and international policies. Dubai follows a similar trend, with rental businesses being flexible on the payment procedure. It is advisable to confirm with the rental industry in advance, prepare for a higher deposit, and fulfill added requirements to avoid inconvenience.